Levels of approach

Depending on the stage of development and requirements, j2p can act at different levels. Here are a few examples, starting from the strategic level moving towards assistance methods that are more operational or specifically targeted.

Governance & strategy

Strategic alignment and development plan, risk management and compliance, use of resources, performance measurement, operational coaching, cost containment

Organisation & processes

Steering bodies and IT decision processes, structures and clarification of roles and responsibilities, change management, IT standards and charters, modelling and optimisation of business processes, modelling and optimisation of IT processes

Programmes and projects

Defining the scope and plan for projects, specifying functional and non-functional requirements, selecting the solution, negotiations for the project, setting up contracts for results and commitments, leading or carrying out projects, project quality


Analysis and assessment of risks, security plan, continuity plan, legal and regulatory compliance plan

Cost containment

Inventory of IT costs, budgets and distribution of IT costs, negotiation of contracts and subcontracting


Mediation, arbitration, legal expertise.


We can call on our partners if your situation requires a wider range of skills and expertise.  This is often the case if you want to achieve the highest possible level of synergy between an industry or profession and an IT tool.